Contact Us

The Chambers Group has hundreds of trucks on our highways every day. Our goal is to drive through your community with the utmost safety and respect. Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

DCT Chambers

600 Waddington Drive, Vernon, BC, V1T 8T6

Office: 1-800-575-2355
Office: 250-549-2157
Chip Dispatch: 1-800-663-7030
Fax: 250-549-2537

Office (Monday – Friday 07:00-17:00 PST)
Chip Dispatch (Monday – Friday 00:01-23:59 PST)

LFL Chambers

Office/Dispatch: 1-800-663-1863
(Monday – Friday 07:00-17:00 PST)

Glen Transport

4631 Farstad Way, Skookumchuck, BC
Office/Dispatch: 250-422-3535

Western Midstream

2815 Aurum Rd NE, Edmonton, Alberta
Office/Dispatch: 587-400-6780


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